Maui wildfires: Lahaina family loses homes, finds refuge in community


I would say out of five properties in our family well in my mom’s immediate family her sisters and five homes three are gone and two are still standing but at least we can still help each other out as you’re leaving Lahaina my grandma has property there the entire property is gone and

That property housed a lot of our family my my mom’s sister and my cousin and her her family and then right next to them is another cousin who it’s it’s a family on property so it’s kind of divided up for you know different homes but they all it’s all gone so um this

Two-story house here is mine and then as you come this way this is my neighbor and you can see the destruction in her backyard you know like we had a he’s not even a firefighter just another neighbor that lives on the other side his family

Lives on the other side he was out here shooting the water on this trying to kill this while everyone was running you know he was out here saving that house because he thought if that one goes the next one goes and the next one goes so he was out

Here with a water hose um trying to kill that fire helping the firemen and um you can see the destruction this house is not in the Hawaiian homes but it’s like right it butts up against Hawaiian homes and that house is gone the little one in front amazing it

Didn’t it didn’t go but everything else that way is like kind of just demolished it’s so sad we drove through and you know when we first came home we could see our house standing but it was still unsure if we could come so they stopped us from coming home so we

Went back to Kapalua but um when we were able to come it was such a beautiful sight to see the outstanding and to see all of our homes standing except for two as a reflection of you and we look to you for guidance and we look to you as he steps

Go from Uncle our home is still standing and that was like oh my God that was such a a relief to know you know that yeah we lost one but at least the bigger one that can house everybody is still here you know our friends our family

Those who come from Far everyone’s in Lahaina I mean the families here know each other forever and ever you know yeah we’ve had newer people come in but they’ve adapted to the the way of life here and you know like we support each other no matter what

Um they always say um Lahaina strong you know we were we gonna rebuild it’s not if we’re gonna rebuild but we’re going to rebuild and we’re going to be lying again first day that I went into Lahaina and to see the town where I coach football

Where we do community events and we do fundraising for all the sports groups I was devastated I was a wreck I needed mental health you know and I considered myself a strong leader but it broke me it’s it still breaks me this is what keeps me going helping people a lot of

Us are at that stage the first necessity we have of course was water our water system was shut down at the time so we gathered a Bunches of water juices sodas we have fresh fruit from all over the island here papayas bananas fresh breadfruit this is a big staple for us Hawaiians

The frustration lies with our government not we’ve always had to fight what we had before over here you know I I don’t know why because we made Sabrina so much money but it’s it’s a fight with the Honolulu the state government that you know everything is Honolulu to them

And let’s take care of Honolulu first everybody else is secondary it shouldn’t be like that look every the wealth should be spread you know all of this is all Community Based you know Community Based the day of the fire we have our local made locally made this is

Kahikidoi beef from our from our from our ranches our wild cow that we have robbing our Islands we have our famous Maui red hot dogs that we cherish and love we have our smoke smoke uh pork and we also we also got donated chicken fingers good old chicken fingers and fries

Locals were having such a hard time even getting in there were roadblocks set up outside of Lahaina preventing people from coming in and out of out of Lahaina or coming into the high enough perhaps so there were much needed Goods that we were basically deprived of so people had

To break the rules for us to get to this point right now and I asked people what would we really have right now if we didn’t break those rules people would be starving it would be thirsty starving would not have clothes on their back you

Know so yeah this is the type of things that our community does best and we stick together some of the things that’s already been happening is Realtors are calling families who lost everything offering them to buy their their property and their home for pennies on the dollar

Just pennies on the dollar so it’s pretty offensive to us that people won’t even give us a time to grieve properly you know people’s mental health health is has been diminished in all of this they’ve lost everything people have lost family members and for them to have that

Disrespect to come in and really try and buy things up is out of control so some of the things that I’ve been doing is gathering all of our community leaders getting as much resources as I possibly can at the same table so we can speak on

How we can prevent these land grabs from happening you think

An extended family from the fire-ravaged town of Lahaina, Hawaii is struggling with logistics and emotions after the historic wildfire destroyed three of their homes.

Lani Moala said that her large family is trying to sort out housing arrangements for the relatives that lost their properties while, at the same time, trying to absorb the emotional shock of the destruction.

Still, she added that despite the difficulties her family is finding strength and support in each other and in the close-knit Lahaina community. Lani said that Lahaina residents are supporting each other through the tragedy and that they have collectively vowed to rebuild.

A group of residents set up a one-stop relief area for residents to get what they need to recover from the devastation. These include water, food, hygiene and medical products as well as mental health assistance. Many Lahaina locals are concerned about leaving the west side of Maui for fear that government restrictions will prevent them from returning.

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  1. I don't understand. This guy was on a bike, riding around town with a video camera. This was August 10th . He was showing the Beach area or the waterfront and not one single ship was out there?…..
    No hospital ships. No aircraft carrier nothing ..!!!… What's going on??.

  2. The locals are the heros …the government needs to get safe utilities up and running and get that tall grass gone from the surrounding …those people pay alot of taxes and have no safe town

  3. Government is not going to help you. FIMA is not going to help you. Hawai'i government is not going to help you. They have food andclothing in 5 shipping contaners locked and hidden.

  4. I agree totally with this resident about the land grad. Hold on to what God has blessed you with it is yours. Today land is so precious and expensive around the world, that the rich think they can just ruthlessly grab it from the poor.

  5. The Millionaires of these Islands didn't even pick up any of these people in their Yachts to get them to the other islands. LET THE HAWAII MILLIONAIRES DONATE AND REBUILD like Mick Fleetwood, Oprah, Jason Mamoa, Steven Tyler, Bruno Mars, Jack Johnson, Owen Wilson, Kris Krisophefferson, Clint Eastwood, Pierce Brosnan, Woody Harrelson, Rosanne Barr, Pat Benetar, Jim Carey

  6. Now the Realtors are Haggling these people to death, "I can offer you this amount, It's better than nothing, at least you can relocate in the mainland" …. God, just imagine the pain ?

  7. So heartbreaking to see how such a beautiful island destroyed by these fires so rapidly to ground zero!?The people of Maui will are strong depending on no one but each other to rebuild as they are strong in unity! May they Never give up their island to no one! Lahaina Strong?

  8. 94 But the day of the Lord will come LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. 1 Peter 3.10 – 12

  9. Tragic ,,, how could anyone see and wittnes this Horror and not stand and cry for these beautiful people !
    Instead Oprah throwing pillows not a tear in her eyes but of course her home and1000 acres are still beautiful!
    God will give you strength, stay strong , keep your land and home!

  10. Everything that's in Hawii is painted with slacked with high gloss shine paint ,witch is highly flammable, ticky wood is like Matches , it was i bet like strinking a match bookpoooff!! Dam,re build with brick, and cement, no more wood, water canons every block ,so anyone could us them or huge sprinklers system when fire start,keep Everything damp,God bless theHawii people sorry for all your ,pain ,

  11. I can't believe our president hasn't gone there yet. Let me reword that I can believe that our president hasn't gone there yet considering who he is and what he cares about. He sends thirty billion dollars to the war in wherever also disappointed in these multi-billionaires totally benefit this disaster by donating some of their billions of dollars restore this community no strings attached instead I hope and pray they don't come in and purchase it for their own selfishness and wanting to on Moreland

  12. Sending my prayers and condolences. I really hope tourism slows down so you all can focus on your community. Sending hugs to you all as well. My heart aches for you.

  13. It’s a God thing…God is Love. God is Aloha. Keep The Faith. Raise Each Other Up. Don’t count on Government

    Peace to ALL who have lost so much!????

    Americans Love You! In God We Trust! Thank you for taking care of Hawaii! Take care of yourselves and Don’t Let anyone Take Advantage of you.

    Use Social Media to tell your stories…Mass Media is Government CORRUPT!

  14. Come to find out all the aluminum and barium that the government is putting in these Chemtrails is what is making our fires more aggressive they're called firenadoes and they knew it. So much for Global Heating. Also they found out that behind all the big companies that own property BlackRock and Vanguard own most of the properties in one of their company's they run with the 3rd company I think it's State Street. And the government owns about 33,000 Acres. These new homes are building in another location instead of on these people's property they're probably setting it up for their 15-minute City's putting them where they want them to be so they can have their land to build their Estates on

  15. If you didn't know if the FDA being sued in court for the mis-information they put out about Ivermectin and telling people to stop using it and getting doctors threatened for speaking about it when it actually did help. Now they're backtracking is say we didn't tell people to stop we might have threatened people but we didn't tell them to stop. Liars. Isn't it kind of funny when other countries were sending it to their people for free because it was so cheap. But yet our pharmaceutical companies made billions off of us.

  16. So basically by making these fires worse with the aluminum and barium chemtrails and causing firenaders,
    The government is breaking the insurance companies and if you don't have insurance company you can't have a mortgage. Ergo you lose your home or you can't buy one unless you can pay cash.


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