Explore Ontario Pastor’s Classical Academy amidst the Rise of Wokism in Public Schools

Ontario Pastor launches classical academy amid growing wokism in public schools

# Ontario Pastor Launches Classical Christian Academy in Response to Woke Activism in Public Schools


An Ontario pastor is anticipating a busy year at the recently opened Harvest Classical Academy, a classical Christian academy that offers an alternative to public schools influenced by woke activism. Dr. Aaron Rock, lead pastor at Windsor’s Harvest Bible Church and chancellor of the academy, discussed the school’s vision with True North. According to Rock, many parents are frustrated with public education’s indoctrination in “wokism” and other ideologies, such as cultural Marxism and radical sexual education agendas. Harvest Classical Academy, established in 2022, aims to provide a “thoroughly Christian” classical education that nurtures qualities such as wisdom, virtue, and appreciation for truth, goodness, and beauty, enabling students to better know, glorify, and enjoy God.

Rock stated that conscientious Christian parents have been seeking alternatives, with some opting for traditional Christian schools or homeschooling due to financial considerations. In response to this need, Harvest Classical Academy offers a classical education model known for its academic rigor and development of critical thinking skills. The school also keeps class sizes small, with a maximum of 18 students per class, and employs qualified teachers. The local community has responded positively to the academy, with 50 students enrolling for the 2022-2023 academic year and an expected increase to around 80 students for the upcoming year.

Despite the initial success, Rock highlighted challenges stemming from Ontario’s lack of school choice compared to other Canadian provinces. Tuition at Harvest Classical Academy ranges from $4,700 to $6,100 per year, with discounts available for families with multiple enrolled students. While this amount is lower than Ontario’s average independent school tuition of $11,910 per year, it remains a barrier for some families. Rock suggested that the Ford government implement a school voucher system, allowing families to redirect education funding to their preferred educational institution.

Rock, who withdrew his children from the public Catholic school system due to a radical agenda, advises Christian families against sending their kids to public schools given the current woke climate. According to him, public education has become a space dominated by a specific group of ideologues intent on indoctrinating children with a particular worldview. Citing various woke controversies in Ontario’s public schools, such as the allowance of a transgender teacher to wear prosthetic breasts and the suspension and arrest of a student for stating that there are only two genders, Rock emphasized the urgent need for alternatives.

For more information about Harvest Classical Academy, visit their [website](https://www.harvestclassicalacademy.org/).



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