Canadians look at renting out spare rooms amid housing crunch, but can it help?


Nova Scotia issued a call to action this month asking those with extra rooms in their home to offer up that space we’re not unwilling to try any good idea statistics Canada says there are 130 000 vacant bedrooms in that province that Minister John lore says could be used to

Help tackle the housing crisis uh it’s just a small part of that so but but for those who it works for it is very significant the initiative is in partnership with online Home Sharing platform happy Pat a non-profit that estimates there are more than 12 million empty rooms across Canada but while it

Could ease some Pressure David isakov with says more rooms alone won’t solve Canada’s housing issues the only solution to the current housing crisis that we’re dealing with is building more prime minister Justin Trudeau is facing pressure over comments last month that housing is not a primary Federal responsibility comments isakov

Says are contrary to the national issue you can’t pass the buck after the fact and say oh you know what I realized it was never my responsibility and last week Deputy Prime Minister Christian Freeland said Ottawa needs to work with all governments to tackle the housing

Crunch the only way we are going to solve this challenge is with the federal government the provincial government and Municipal governments working together but so far housing prices across Canada continue to rise while doors continue to close on potential drops in the cost to rent Leah Cogan with the Canada mortgage

And housing Corporation says every option needs to be on the table it’s really about finding and unlocking these Solutions to the in any possible solution and bringing any possible player to the table solution she says need buy-in from all levels of government Sean preville Global News

With many Canadians feeling the pinch of the country’s ongoing housing crisis and home and rental price increases showing no signs of slowing down, some politicians are exploring other avenues to help with the issue.

In Nova Scotia, the government recently announced an extension of their deal with a home-sharing online platform that matches people with spare rooms and those looking for an affordable place to live.

Sean Previl reports on the whether the idea could gain traction, as well as what experts say is really needed.

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  1. Mass immigration leads to housing shortages as along with that there seem to be more coming here and seeking government assistance instead of adding to the economy by working which adds to the debt load this government has lost control of ……………..but as the clown said , the budget will balance itself

  2. The Federal government owns 18,000 acres at Pickering sitting there since the 1970’s.
    Clean to the. GO station and sewer and water infrastructure Why not build it out
    Airport needs 4,500 acres if it is ever built.

  3. No this isn't going to help. A family of 4 to 6 that cant get a mortsge bc the interest rates are nearing 10% cannot simply rent a room in another families house. Or live comfortably and healthy ina 2 bedroom basement or apartment flat. Something better must be done. Remove Trudeau from office yesterday and let Pierre Polliviere get started on restoring the Canada we all knew.

  4. Yes, government causes the crisis and then expects their peasants to clean up the mess they made. We're going to be the ones who have to rebuild the Canada that Trudeau, Singh and the Century Initiative are making billions of dollars destroying.

    By the way, leaving out your green bin scraps can help address food insecurity!

  5. Trudeau has agreed to a phenomenal number of immigrants when he knows there is not enough housing. How is it not his problem? Now he says it’s up to the province to solve. He created the problem! His style of government makes me sick.

  6. What an utterly ridiculous idea, in these times one can never be too careful and inviting a stranger into ones home, to live, what if it doesnt work out good luck trying to evict that person, i have read about some nightmare cases.

    Why is it up to the average joe schmoo to put their safety on the line, when trudeau created this mess by increasing immigration to a million people last year, give me a break.


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