Argentina election: Far-right candidate Javier Milei shakes up race with shocking primary win


Estamos frente al fin del modelo de la casta ese modelo basado en esa atrocidad que dice que donde hay una necesidad nace un derecho pero se olvida que ese derecho a alguien lo tiene que pagar cuya máxima expresión esas aberración llamada la justicia social Hoy somos la fuerza más votada porque

Somos la verdadera oposición somos los únicos que queremos un verdadero cambio porque recuerden digamos una Argentina distinta es imposible con los mismos de siempre con los mismos que han fracasado siempre con los mismos que vienen fracasando hace Cien años de las ideas [Aplausos] [Música] somos nosotros la libertad avanza los

Que venimos a dar la defensa contra los saqueadores de este sistema que lo único que hace es beneficiar a los políticos ladrones yo no lo veo una persona seria al que llevo llevo más los votos Pero bueno ojalá que cambie para las elecciones es preocupante para mí

Es preocupante y aparte votó mucha mucho la juventud Yo escuché en mi casa mismo a mi hija que es un adolescente Escuchar estas propuestas Que bueno que es lo mejor para ellos pero no entienden que no es lo razonable yo creo porque la mayoría están cansados de que el resto siempre

Lo mismo malo bien cambiemos uno por la patria siempre lo mismo y la gente quiere un cambio y este tipo que viene de afuera propone eso algo distinto digamos para mí es eso

Argentina’s shock primary election results saw far-right libertarian Javier Milei, who wants to axe the central bank and dollarize the economy, win the ballot.

The rock-singing congressman shook up the race toward presidential elections in October by far outperforming forecasts to win over 30% of the vote, the largest share with over 90% of ballots counted.

The result is a stinging rebuke to the center-left Peronist coalition and the main “Together for Change” conservative opposition bloc with inflation at 116% and a cost-of-living crisis leaving four in 10 people in poverty.

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  1. The sexual and moral scandal of the president of Baghiyatullah Hospital, the most important hospital of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ,IRGC , Dr. Saeed Keshavarz, who asked sexual realationship!! from poor , needy and desperate women seeking employment!! It is another disgrace for the IRGC and the IRGC Intelligence Organization!

  2. He's far libertarian, very different than far right (for instance, he hates having an authoritarian goverment, big army, centralization, corporatizacion, etc.. all things that love the far right. He just wants a very small government and a very open free economy)

  3. It's a sad day for Argentina. So brainwashed. This guy will lead the way to authoritarianism using your fears, he will not solve inflation cuz he supports the wealthy and as someone here mentioned he's a capitalist. Helping people is NOT the way of the capitalists. It's a lose -lose scenario. To fix things, we'd need a universal basic income at least for the poor

  4. The thing about Milei is that he is an outisider. People in argentina associate the left with a bigger government hence its percieved that they steal more. What gringos never understand is that in LATAM people choose between whos turn it is to steal money and leave the country in poverty. Latam politics cant even be compared to the ones in the US or the first world

  5. Good luck. I hope he gets it. Argentines have been abused by their reckless monetary policy and hopefully Mileei will do something about it. These people have been stepped if their right to save on a sound money and instead are forced to use the garbage that is the Argentine peso

  6. Far right because he believes dont kill babies, dont show a drag queen to a 6 year old, abolish central banking, have more freedom, own firearms. I love this man

  7. Darker times coming to Argentina I'm afraid. Or as some Spanish say: De Guatemala a Guatepeor. Another Trump wanna be that wants tons of attention and $$$. Bolsonaro in Spanish? Oh mi tierra bendita, como te gusta sangrar!

  8. there is no such thing as a right or left in a modern political scene…

    why is the media still using this outdated concept?
    is it because the US is still dominated by dual-party politics?

    wasn’t that over by trump’s time?

    I mean hear that guy talking about abolishing castes

  9. He's not far right. He's libertarian. It's completely different. Far right believe force, compulsion, and the threat of violence are legitimate actions to achieve their goals. Libertarians belive peace, freedom, and cooperation are.

  10. Your title is as Ignorant as it can be spreading Lefty rhetoric. Do you even know what a Libertarian is?

    Milei Libertarian Party was resurrected in 2021 after more than a century of suppression, is base in the Libertarian constitutionals ideas of Juan Bautista Alberdi author of the Argentinian Constitution of 1853. It has similar train of thought to Thomas Jefferson, small government, great emphasis on individual rights to Life, liberty and private property and above all progress true education of all without indoctrination and equality without favoritisms.


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