Ticket sales for Taylor Swift’s Toronto shows begin today


It’s the moment swifties have been waiting for in just a matter of hours Canadian fans will get their chance to NAB tickets to hear this so take a look what you’ve done cause baby now we got back that’s Taylor Swift’s bad blood off the album 1989. that’s sure to be one song

Fans hope to hear next November when she plays six shows at Toronto’s Rogers Center there are roughly 300 000 tickets up for grabs for the lucky ones now that sounds like a lot but millions of others fear they are already out of luck before tickets even go on sale this morning

Anis hedari is covering this for us this morning from Calgary Anis people will be watching to see how Ticketmaster handles today’s sales how much is riding on this for them yeah you said it Deanna um Ticketmaster has not even started to sell the actual tickets yet but there’s already probably Millions uh but

Certainly hundreds of thousands of fans who are waiting by their computers trying to find out if they’re going to get tickets um the Ticketmaster way of doing it this time is to send Vans codes so before you even get to buy a ticket you had to line up you know

Virtually basically to try and get a code for the chance to buy a ticket and we’ve been hearing from a lot of Taylor Swift fans who um say you know Ticketmaster is the problem not them because they didn’t get those codes uh whether or not we see actual fans versus say resellers Bots

You know those scalper computer programs robots so to speak scalpers himself get these tickets we’ll find that out a little bit later today as the tickets actually go on sale but for Ticketmaster this is a company that’s taking a lot of pressure over the last over the last long time but

Certainly over the last year with various concerts including the Taylor Swift concerts throughout the rest of the world uh a lot of the time they’ve been criticized because resellers scalpers get those tickets right away and so actual fans who want to go to the show because they love the music can’t

Make it with Taylor Swift before Ticketmaster crashed they weren’t able to sell any tickets at all at first did you get past that eventually technically but um it’s a little early today for us to know whether that will happen this time we’re going to potentially hear a

Lot of fans screaming about bad blood if Ticketmaster doesn’t come through technically but um it’s a little early for that Deanna I mean it is incredible when you think about a 300 000 tickets and it’s true just like a survey of social media and people we spoke to

Earlier this morning everyone seemed to have been wait listed but I’m sure that there are lucky who got that code now these tickets will come at a price too anise it’s not just a show for some they will have to book a hotel travel to Toronto eat dinners while they’re here

Spend money on Transportation maybe buy all those bracelets tell me about the economy of Taylor Swift how much can people expect to be spending here a lot of money frankly I mean we don’t know how much these tickets are going to end up going for in the end because they

Haven’t quite gone on sale yet we’re you know waiting within the next few hours but assuming that the reseller economy comes into play uh people will be paying big bucks for the tickets alone Taylor Swift is only doing Canadian shows in Toronto now she’s doing six of

Them which sounds like a lot but all her fans from across the country who maybe didn’t want to or couldn’t cross international borders they’re going to have to go to Toronto those are flights that’s hotels Toronto already is a very popular destination but over the course

Of six days all of a sudden every hotel is probably going to have a lot of Taylor Swift fans they’re going to spend money on restaurants they are going to spend money on getting around we are probably talking about if not a few hundred dollars well over a thousand

Dollars for anyone who is going to this concert from out of Toronto and if they are in Toronto even just getting around the city eating food going to the show all of this is going to be expensive I mean when you take the general cost of going

To a baseball game at the at the sky dome at the Roger Center sorry um and then multiply that by a lot more people and a lot more shows there is going to be a lot of money pumped into Toronto’s economy for this but you know

The the key point is always how much did the tickets go for and because they are not quite on sale yet that’s that’s the magic number right if you spent 600 for your ticket you’re probably not going to spend quite as much on everything else

But if you can get that first run ticket that hasn’t been hit by a reseller from Ticketmaster maybe you’ll have a little more money to spend on those friendship bracelets or some other merch Deanna absolutely thank you so much for crunching those numbers for us that’s

Anis hedari in Calgary A Tale of Two swifties now to share with you Samara O’Gorman from Montreal and tabashishti of Toronto’s wildest dreams of both of you didn’t quite come true yesterday you have both been wait listed for the Taylor Swift tickets along with some many others I must tell you certainly a

Lot of people I know I was on social media last night everyone had screen grabs of that same message you’ve been wait listed often accompanied by a crying Emoji let me start with talking to both of you just asking you how are you feeling uh to ball let’s start with

You what are your feelings right now uh not great just yet because I I had seven people in my life signed up who I was gonna go with or like who were wait listing on my behalf including my three brothers um who all were like no you they’re there for you

Um and yeah I know about 30 people who all got waitlisted Samara what about you uh still hopeful uh you know I think Taylor wants everyone to see her show even if that’s not fathomable right now I think it will be one day so remaining hopeful and Samara I understand that you

Did know someone although it’s not a close friend you did see that one fabled person uh who did actually get the code and I guess bragged about it online yes exactly Fable is a great adjective to use because it’s it’s kind of a magical experience that’s happening right now

Like some people are getting it and some people aren’t it’s like fairy dust and this is an experience nobody wants to miss it’s a Once in a Lifetime concert so hopefullying the hoping the fairy dust will sprinkle on me tell me guys I want to talk to both of

You about why going to this concert means so much to you tabal let’s start with you why is it so important that you be there in November 2024. I’m a huge surface fan usually like one or two percent of her top listeners on Spotify every year

Um I saw her in our 1989 tour reputation when she was here laugh I had tickets to go to Massachusetts for 2020 for lover Fest because she had announced Canyon dates yet uh so I mean obviously just a huge huge fan and it moves a lot but

Also really feels like she’s the artist or one of the big artists of our lifetimes and that this concert tour has been everything like I every Instagram every tick tock every video I’ve seen and every like it just looks amazing the fact that she’s doing this for four

Hours almost at night doing the two Secret Surprise songs like it’s become this incredible spectacle obviously of like community and this artist you love but also this like performance that no one else is doing anything like this so really really just wanted to be a part

Of it if I still can I love that you brought up the community part of it Samara I want to go to you tell me about Taylor Swift the artist we know that she she writes songs about her personal life she seems very open with her fans what

Is it about her songwriting and her Artistry that that made you connect with her so much it’s really ironic that you ask that because I’m an artist myself I’m a poet and I feel through my own poetry she’s kind of given me a cathartic release of sorts especially

Through her album folklore it’s just it’s so special and I think Taylor Swift right now is who Freddie Mercury and queen was to my dad and how badly he wanted to get tickets for that show um so she she’s she’s an inspiration for sure she’s really spentful thank you

Both so much for articulating so well why going to this concert is so so important to you okay now we’re getting to plan B since neither of you got that code last night what are we gonna do next I’m gonna start with YouTube off

Um I have a the like I found it for the Avion rewards I also have my phone notifications on so in case because I’ve heard online that there were people who are getting off the wait list as other people were not buying tickets so I

Still plan a plan B is the Avion rewards uh plan C I mean I don’t know we’ll have to see about scalpers or whatnot I guess and uh Plan D is like I’m really hoping I know it’s November and it can be a little cold but not that cold by

Canadian standards so I’m hoping the Dome is open um and at least we can do the parking lot experience because that was so cool and a lot of other states can you explain to us what the parking lot experience is I’m picturing kind of like a tailgate party of swifties is

That yeah yeah that is kind of the vibe so a lot of people because a lot of these football thing in the US um are don’t have domes and so they’ve kind of kept the doors open as well so people outside can still experience at least some of the spectacle or the audio

Um and sing along so it’s been a really cool video so there I’m sure you’ve seen them as well yeah it’s like an auditory experience of sorts yeah uh Samara tell me about your plan B uh well I do have a friend who managed to snag tickets to the Paris show but at

The moment I can’t afford to go to Paris um I can afford to go to Toronto it’s my neighboring City I live in Montreal but yeah that’s that’s my plan B at the moment but for now I’m just remaining hopeful hopefully manifesting these tickets I know that uh Paris is very

Nice any time of the year but yes of course so expensive I’m glad that you brought up the the expense of it uh definitely in discussing this there are people who are saying look I really appreciate her as an artist she’s a great songwriter she has uh stood up

Against uh some of the unfair practices in the industry but with all that aside this is an astronomical amount of money especially for people who do not live in Toronto uh the tickets especially on resale are going to be so expensive what do you say to those people it’s oh sorry go ahead

Okay let’s start with Samara I love that swifties are so polite to each other there’s lots of love here Samara let’s start with you um I would just say that I think we’re not paying for a concert at this point um I think it’s it’s very much an

Experience a once in a lifetime experience I sound like a broken record at this point but I think that’s why prices are so high and she gives back so much um Taylor Swift she gives back so much to her crew and all the workers that are

Working on the show itself it’s it’s a giant giant showcase so so I understand the pricing of it um and again remaining hopeful to buy what about your answer uh what would you say to the Skeptics I guess I totally agree with Samara like we we

Just got reports over the weekend but uh you know she’s giving bonuses for her truck drivers and for her and things like that so very happy to support someone who’s doing very fair um and like generous hiring practices of course but I also think it is an

Experience and people have to do what’s right for them so for people for whom they’re like books the 400 is a lot more money that I’m willing to spend for a concert those are choices you get to make Beyonce was Justin Toronto last month and thankfully one of my friends

Was able to get unverified fan list and it was an incredible experience it was not cheap either but it was Beyonce and it was you know one of those things where the people who aren’t able to go that’s okay if the price limit is your concern

Um and for me as someone who is a huge Beyonce fan as well not quite as big a Swifty as I am as a Swifty but uh yeah I do think it’s the experience like Samara said um and the whole like atmosphere the friendship bracelets that people are making together which literally just

Comes from a line in one of her songs yeah right like make the friendship Christmas yeah which is incredible like what a community and then we’ve seen like like it just seems like every celebrity in the world has a concert uh her tours like football players and

Obviously actors and other singers uh we saw like Vanessa Bryant was there this week Selena Gomez were there yesterday um this is everyone’s like this is the coolest thing we’ve seen right like we have to we don’t want to miss it now but I wanted to thank both of you so much

Samara Gorman in Montreal and tabashishti in Toronto for sharing your thoughts with us you’ve definitely thought this through and I think you both really summed up well why Taylor means so much to you and I’ll be trying to catch up with you guys on social

Media and see how you do in trying to score those tickets okay

Tickets for the much anticipated Taylor Swift Eras Tour in Toronto went on sale Wednesday. There are roughly 300,000 tickets up for grabs for the lucky ones, but millions of others fear they are already out of luck. Last week, the pop superstar announced six concert dates at the Rogers Centre in November 2024.

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  1. NATO/French have began a military invasion attack on free nation of Niger today by activating ground troops and military planes. Victoria N. Payed a visit 2 days ago.

  2. Swiftie = upper class white women young and old. (AKA. JT's Fanbase)

    These are the "basic girl" consumers of Canada, who are oblivious about Canada but vote anyways. SMH

  3. Why do so many people have to be negative? Our society needs more positivity! Do parents still teach their children "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all and to always be respectful?" I was taught that decades ago and taught my children that.


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