AI could take more than 1/4 of jobs warns OECD


More than a quarter of the jobs held by workers living in the world’s wealthiest countries could be taken over by increasingly human-like artificial intelligence that’s according to a new report out Tuesday from the oecd or Organization for economic cooperation and development it conducted a survey of its 38 member states which includes

Wealthy Nations such as the U.S and France as well as emerging economies like Estonia and Mexico and found that 27 percent of the labor force holds jobs that could be easily automated the survey also found that workers fear they could lose their livelihoods to AI the oecd said there is little evidence so

Far this is happening but it may be because AI development is in its early stages the survey was also carried out before the explosive emergence of generative AI like chat GPT the country’s most exposed are in Eastern Europe including Poland the Czech and Slovak republics and hung Theory where

More than a third of jobs could be easily automated despite the anxiety over the Advent of AI two-thirds of workers already working with it said that automation had made their jobs less dangerous or tedious the oecd said it’s up to policy makers to help workers prepare for the changes and benefit from

The opportunities AI will bring

More than a quarter of jobs in OECD countries rely on skills that could be easily automated in the coming artificial intelligence revolution, and workers fear they could lose their jobs to AI, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Tuesday.

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